Performance-Based Design
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Performance-Based Design
It is sometimes necessary to develop a performance-based design to meet the intent of the Model Codes in lieu of a prescriptive-based design from the Model Codes. This is sometimes because the Model Codes do not specifically address each Client’s facility, the prescriptive-based design is not feasible to design/construct, or the prescriptive-based design is not economical.

Performance-Based Design is the application of science and engineering to design fire protection and life safety in buildings, taking into account the specific characteristics of the building under consideration, rather than applying generic “checklist” requirements found in prescriptive building and fire codes that may not be appropriate due to a building’s unique characteristics.
- Fire dynamics engineering calculations
- Alternative Fire detection, suppression, and smoke control system types and configurations
- Alternative Egress layouts
Performance-based design provides greater freedom than conventional prescriptive methods ny emphasizing science, engineering, calculations, and modeling rather than arbitrary “checklists” of prescriptive requirements that can lead to significant reductions in construction costs and maintenance costs. Shaver fire has the expertise to prove the performance-based design meets or exceeds the governing code’s prescriptive design requirements and can present the design to the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Why Choose Us
Experience Makes The Difference
- 15+ Years Experience
Shaver Fire has over 15 years of Fire Engineering and Design experience and hundreds of completed jobs.
- Fully licensed
Fully Licensed Mechanical Engineer and Fire Protection Engineer on Staff.